I look at many websites and a lot have a section entitled “Blogs” or “Newsletters”. Some actually remain just headings and others deliver erratic and sporadic articles with no visible planning.
Blogs are an Effective Marketing Tool
Your website is key to your marketing strategy and it is important that it doesn’t lay dormant. It needs to be updated on a continuous basis. Blogs are a cost effective way of keeping your website active and are an excellent marketing investment.
Every post that you publish will not only help build brand awareness but will also promote your products, skills, expertise and services.
Update Your Website
It’s unlikely that you are going to update your “About” page frequently or even your “Services” page. Hopefully you are now looking at or thinking about your website. You might even be asking yourself when you last updated it? So what is the best way to keep your website moving?
Yes, it's a Blog! The great thing about adding a Blog is that you are adding another indexed page which creates one more opportunity for you to be found in search engines.
Publish Regularly
However, to ensure maximum impact from your blogs, it is imperative that you publish them regularly and consistently. One blog here or there isn’t going to work.
It’s important that you know how often you are going to blog. Is it going to be daily, weekly, twice a month or monthly? Remember, once a year will achieve nothing or very little at best. There is a lot of debate as to the optimum number of blogs you should publish. This is another topic in itself! However, my guide is to write once a week or twice a month if you can’t manage weekly posts.
Plan Your Articles
You may have a fantastic topic for your first article – you are raring to go! Now make notes – what will you write about for your second, third and fourth articles? Are there any offshoots from your first post? Have somewhere to store ideas and keep it updated. If you don't think you will have enough time, think about using Guest Bloggers or writers that are specialists in writing Blogs.
Don’t lose momentum!
It is interesting to note that many new businesses start enthusiastically and publish several articles initially and then these just fizzle out. It’s really the nature of the beast that as your business grows you actually have more and more to do so its important not to spend too much time working in your business when you should really be working on it.
Keep you website moving to attract more potential clients.
If you are struggling to update your Blog section or are not sure where to start, please contact Writing and Blogging on 07742 321513. We are the experts in helping you win more customers by planning your blogging activity.