"Soft" selling is a friendly and subtle way of marketing your business and you may feel more comfortable promoting your company in this "indirect" way. Let's face it - we've all experienced the "hard" sell, the "direct" approach which takes the form of an aggressive and forceful sell that can be irritating, extremely annoying and ultimately off-putting.
If you prefer the indirect method, blogging is definitely for you!
Soft selling puts very little pressure on people and is very customer focused and in the long run totally persuasive. There is no force involved as the customer ultimately makes their own mind up and it is their decision to buy your product without any coercion.
Everyone is Blogging
Huge corporations blog including fast food outlets and supermarkets as well as charities, educational establishments and small to medium sized businesses. Many are now seeing the potential of blogging as a marketing tool which is relatively inexpensive and just costs your time or the price you pay for somebody else to write your material for you.
Why Blog?
• Increase Traffic to Your Website
• Enhance Your Reputation as an Expert in Your Field
• Generate Publicity
• Make Your Company More Approachable
• Improve Communication
• Promote Your Brand
Blogging is Non-Pushy
With blogging, you are not exerting pressure on existing or potential customers. You are building a relationship in a non-pushy and friendly manner. You are allowing people time to make their decisions as opposed to a hard sell where the sale is made almost immediately.
Blogging Establishes Loyalty
With soft selling, customers will get to like you and your products or services. Loyalty can be established and a long lasting relationship.
Hard sells are becoming less and less effective due to Internet marketing. Potential clients have access to products and services at their fingertips and have time to review services and products that are best for them.
"Soft" selling is the way forward and is the persuasive option to win more clients.