Many people worry that they may be giving away too much information when they blog and they are fearful that they will lose business rather than gain it. If you are thinking someone will do the job themselves, it's really worth looking and evaluating the benefits of blogging and why we blog.
To build an audience, you need to provide lots of amazing and interesting content as well as good advice and useful and helpful information, which all adds up to supplying fabulous value to your readers and more importantly, you are establishing yourself as an expert in what you do, the person people need to turn to when they require your product or service.
Become The Expert That People Are Looking For
Just don't worry if you feel that you are giving away some tricks of the trade, all it will do is prove that you really know what you are talking about - you know your stuff and you ARE the expert that people are looking for.
Look at it from your potential client's point of view and your own. I think we would all rather use somebody who seems to know what they are doing and they appear to have proven knowledge, in fact they seem an authority in their line of work and ultimately seem to be somebody that can be trusted.
You Can "Try Before You Buy"
So, how do you know that they are experts? Simple, really, they have been writing informative and interesting articles so in effect you have a “try before you buy” situation. It could be looked at from the point of view that if they are giving away so much advice for free, how amazing will they be when you pay for their services?
Of course, inevitably, there are always people who will use every means at their disposal and glean every piece of information that is out there and do it themselves. By hook or by crook, these people will find the information they are looking for and realistically they have no intention of paying anyone to do a job that they feel they can do themselves.
Be Content With The Consolation Prize
It's inevitable that these people will not become your clients, but they won't become anyone else's either! The only consolation is that they might recommend you to somebody else, who will find your website and use your products or services.
There really is no such thing as too much free content!
If you are looking to promote your business as the ultimate authority by offering helpful, informative and interesting articles and you don't have either the time and/or the writing skills to write blogs yourself, please get in touch with the experts at or call Annie on 07742 321513