Blogging is your way of providing valuable content for your readers and search engines love it. It provides the perfect platform for sharing information and news. Your blog should be at the heart of your content marketing strategy as the content can be shared on your social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and LinkedIn and it provides great material for e-books and emailed newsletters.
Post Your Own Content
I would go so far as to say that it is virtually impossible to maintain a social media presence without having high quality content available to you and here I mean content that is written about your business and is unique to it. You're not going to be directing people to your site if you are sharing and posting other people's articles and content all the time. I'm not saying, don't use other people's stuff but use it sparingly and when it is relevant.
More Traffic Equals More Leads
By sharing your blog posts, you will be increasing traffic to your website and we all know what more traffic means - more people know about you, more people are interested in what you are doing and you have the opportunity of more people buying your products and services.
Which Social Media Sites Are Best For Your Business?
There are many social media networking sites, the large ones as mentioned earlier and also what are called the more niche sites which cater to specific interests and hobbies - there are literally hundreds of them out there! However, whether you choose big or small or a mixture of both, it's finding the site/s where you are more likely to find your target audience. You will become visible by communicating with your audience with strong blogging content.
Be Selective - Quality Over Quantity
Here, I would suggest you don't spread yourself too thinly - select 2 or 3 social media networks to concentrate on. After a while, you should be able to judge for yourself, what's working for you and what's not! And if you want to find a niche site, just put in your business and search.
What Next?
If you have ever found yourself sitting and thinking, "What do I post next?", then creating regular blogs about your business will solve this quandary. You can repost an article or you can take snippets from it, a sentence, a paragraph or a headline.
You will never be stuck for ideas again!
If you would like to know more about how regular blogs posted on social media outlets can raise the profile of your business, please contact Writing and Blogging on 07742 321513 or email